, JEB's generic
decompiler. (Do not confuse gendec
with dexdec
, the Dex decompiler for Dalvik/Android code.)
IDecompiledClass | A class object decompiled by gendec . |
IDecompiledField | A field object decompiled by gendec . |
IDecompiledItem | Top-level type representing an item decompiled by gendec (method, field, class). |
IDecompiledMethod | A method object decompiled by gendec . |
IDynamicContentManager | The content manager allows AST rendering facility to retrieve lower-level native information. |
IEConverter<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Definition of an IR expression converter, used by the generic decompiler to convert native machine code to an intermediate representation. |
IEGlobalContext | Global IR context. |
IERoutineContext | Routine (local) IR context. |
IErrorDescription | Error description type used to report decompilation errors in items . |
IGlobalAnalyzer | Interface for global analyzers provided by decompiler plugins. |
INativeDecompilerContext | Decompiler manager object. |
INativeDecompilerExtension | Decompiler extension plugins. |
INativeDecompilerExtensionsManager | Definition of the extensions manager for INativeDecompilerUnit . |
INativeDecompilerUnit<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Top-level unit for native decompilers. |
INativeObjectTracker | Tracker for native underlying objects used by the decompiler or referenced by decompiled items. |
INativeSourceUnit | A specialized source unit representing the output of a native code decompiler. |
ISourceCustomizer | Interface for decompiler-C source customizers provided by decompiler plugins. |
AbstractConverter<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Skeleton class for code converters. |
AbstractNativeDecompilerExtension | Skeleton for native decompiler extensions. |
ACS | Auto-converter support class. |
ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Utility class holding a native instruction being converted to IR. |
DecompilerOptions | gendec decompiler options. |
NativeDecompilerExporter | Helper class used to decompile and export to source files all or a subset of classes or methods of a native code unit. |
SourceCustomizerAdapter | Skeleton class for AST (decompiled code) customizers. |
ACS.ExtensionMode | Type of size extension for integer. |
ACS.OPS | Operators for gendec auto-conversion semantics. |
DecompilationStatus | Decompilation status. |
INativeDecompilerExtensionsManager.ExtensionPriority | Priorities that can be attributed to an extension. |
NativeDecompilationStage | A high-level view of what stage a target being decompiled is at. |