ICArrayElement |
C AST interface to represent the element of an array. |
ICAssignment |
C AST interface to represent assignments. |
ICBlock |
C AST interface to represent a sequence of statements . |
ICBreak |
C AST interface to represent a break statement. |
ICCall |
C AST interface to represent a routine call. |
ICClass |
C AST "class" objects are top-level AST objects that can be retrieved by a
ICClassFactory . |
ICClassFactory |
C AST ICClass factory. |
ICCompound |
C AST interface to represent compound statements. |
ICConditionalStatement |
Base class for CAST conditional statements (if, switch). |
ICConstant<T> |
Top-level C AST interface to represent a literal or constant value. |
ICConstantFactory |
Builder for C AST constants. |
ICConstantFloat<T> |
Generic C AST interface used to represent float literals. |
ICConstantFloat32 |
C AST interface used to represent single-precision float literals. |
ICConstantFloat64 |
C AST interface used to represent double-precision float literals. |
ICConstantInteger<T> |
Generic C AST interface used to represent integer literals. |
ICConstantInteger32 |
C AST interface used to represent 32-bit integer literals. |
ICConstantInteger64 |
C AST interface used to represent 64-bit integer literals. |
ICConstantIntegerLarge |
C AST interface used to represent arbitrary-legth integer literals. |
ICConstantPointer |
C AST interface used to represent pointer literals. |
ICConstantString |
C AST interface used to represent string literals. |
ICContinue |
C AST interface to represent a continue statement. |
ICControlBreaker |
C AST interface for flow breaker (break, continue, goto). |
ICCustomStatement |
A custom C statement. |
ICDecl |
C AST interface representing the declaration of a typed identifier . |
ICDecompilableElement |
Top-level C AST interface representing a decompilable element under an ICSource . |
ICDoWhileStm |
C AST interface to represent a do-while loop statement. |
ICElement |
Top-level interface for all elements of a C
Abstract Syntax Tree. |
ICElementFactory |
Factory interface for common AST objects. |
ICExpression |
High-level interface implemented by C AST elements representing expressions. |
ICField |
C AST field objects are top-level objects that can be retrieved by a ICFieldFactory . |
ICFieldFactory |
C AST ICField factory. |
ICForStm |
C AST interface used to represent a standard for loop statement. |
ICGenericBreakable |
Super interface for C AST breakable compounds (loops, switches). |
ICGenericLoop |
Super interface for C AST loops (for, do-while, while). |
ICGenericWhileLoop |
C AST interface for while-like loops (while, do-while). |
ICGlobalContext |
gendec global context for C AST generation. |
ICGoto |
C AST interface to represent a "goto" statement. |
ICIdentifier |
C AST interface to represent an identifier, or variable. |
ICIdentifierManager |
Factory for C variables. |
ICIfStm |
C AST interface to represent a conditional "if" statement. |
ICInstanceField |
An instance field C AST element represent the field of an instantiated structure or class. |
ICJumpFar |
C AST element representing a "long jump". |
ICLabel |
C AST label interfaces are immutable AST elements created by an ICLabelFactory . |
ICLabelFactory |
A manager of ICLabel . |
ICLeftExpression |
High-level interface is used to represent C AST expressions that can be assigned to, that is,
expressions that can be left members in assignment statements. |
ICMethod |
C AST method objects are top-level AST objects that can be retrieved by a
ICMethodFactory . |
ICMethodFactory |
C AST ICMethod factory. |
ICNamingEngine |
A naming engine is used to generate ICIdentifier names. |
ICOperation |
C AST interface to represent arithmetic and logical expressions. |
ICOperator |
This interface is used to define a C operator. |
ICOperatorFactory |
Builder for C AST operators. |
ICPredicate |
C AST predicate, wrapper for a C expression that can be evaluated to true or false. |
ICReturn |
C AST interface to represent return statements of methods. |
ICSource |
Highest-level C AST element representing a translation unit, containing classes and/or methods
and fields. |
ICSourceElement |
Top-level C AST element found in a source code. |
ICStatement |
Base interface for C AST elements that represent statements in a code block . |
ICSwitchStm |
C AST interface to represent switch statements. |
ICTerminalStatement |
High-level C AST interface extended by Return and Throw statements. |
ICThrow |
C AST interface to represent throw statements. |
ICTuple |
Simple representation of a C AST left-expression tuple. |
ICType |
A C type. |
ICTypeFactory |
Builder for C AST types. |
ICVisitor |
C AST tree visitor interface. |
ICWhileStm |
C AST interface to represent while loop statements. |