Interface ISourceUnit
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
This interface is used to represent source code abstract syntax trees (AST). Such units are
produced by
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGet the decompiler unit (possibly the parent, possibly null) that generated this unit.Get the ideal or most commonly accepted file extension for the code represented by this source unit.Get the fully-qualified, original name of this source entity.Generate the decompiled source text.Get the text document representing the decompiled source.Methods inherited from interface com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.IAddressableUnit
getAddressLabel, getAddressLabels, getAddressOfItem, getCanonicalAddress, getItemAtAddress, getItemObject, getRelatedItems, getWellKnownAddresses, isValidAddress
Methods inherited from interface
addListener, countListeners, getListeners, getParentSource, insertListener, notifyListeners, removeListener, setParentSource
Methods inherited from interface com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.IInteractiveUnit
addressToLocation, canExecuteAction, executeAction, executeAction, getAddressActions, getCommentManager, getFullComment, getFullComments, getGlobalActions, getInlineComment, getInlineComments, getItemActions, getMetadataManager, locationToAddress, prepareExecution, setInlineComment
Methods inherited from interface com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.IUnit
addChild, addChild, canBePersisted, dispose, generateQuickState, getChildren, getContributions, getCreationTimestamp, getDescription, getExtraInputs, getFormatter, getFormatType, getIconData, getInput, getInterpreters, getLock, getName, getNotes, getNotificationManager, getParent, getParentArtifact, getParentProject, getPropertyDefinitionManager, getPropertyManager, getRealName, getStatus, getUid, getUnitProcessor, initializePropertyObjects, isDisposed, isProcessed, isStale, isTransientChild, notifyGenericChange, postDeserialization, process, removeChild, setName, setNotes, setParent, setRealName, setUnitProcessor
Methods inherited from interface com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.IUserDataSupport
clearAllData, getAllData, getData, setData
Method Details
IDecompilerUnit getDecompiler()Get the decompiler unit (possibly the parent, possibly null) that generated this unit.- Returns:
- a decompiler unit, possibly null
String getFileExtension()Get the ideal or most commonly accepted file extension for the code represented by this source unit.- Returns:
- an extension string (not prefixed by dot), or null if unknown
String getFullyQualifiedName()Get the fully-qualified, original name of this source entity. SinceISourceUnit
are normally produced by decompilers, this method will likely return a class or method name.- Returns:
- the name
ITextDocument getSourceDocument()Get the text document representing the decompiled source.The caller is responsible for disposing the returned document after usage.
- Returns:
String getSource()Generate the decompiled source text. Convenience method.- Returns: