Interface IAddressableUnit

All Superinterfaces:
IEventSource, IUnit, IUnitCreator, IUserDataSupport
All Known Subinterfaces:
ICodeUnit, IDalvikDebuggerUnit, IDebuggerUnit, IDecompilerUnit, IDexDecompilerUnit, IDexUnit, IInteractiveUnit, IJavaSourceUnit, INativeCodeUnit<InsnType>, INativeDebuggerUnit, INativeDecompilerUnit<InsnType>, INativeSourceUnit, ISourceUnit, IXmlUnit
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCodeUnit, AbstractInteractiveBinaryUnit, AbstractInteractiveUnit, InteractiveWrapperUnit

@Ser public interface IAddressableUnit extends IUnit
Addressable units allow the retrieval of unit objects via object identifiers and addresses.
  • Method Details

    • getItemObject

      Object getItemObject(long id)
      Optionally provide an object associated with the given item. This method may return null, an opaque object, or an object defined by the contract of the implementing object or sub-interface. The SPI of sub-interfaces should specify the item id formats, if any, as well as types and semantics associated with the objects returned by this method.
      id - the item id
      an object, whose type is defined by contract, potentially null
    • isValidAddress

      boolean isValidAddress(String address)
      Determine if the provided address is a valid address for this unit.
      address -
    • getCanonicalAddress

      default String getCanonicalAddress(String address)
      Convert the provided address to its canonical form. If the canonical form cannot be determined, the method is allowed to return the provided address.
      address -
    • getAddressOfItem

      String getAddressOfItem(long id)
      Attempt to determine the best address for a given item. Implementors may return null if a conversion is deemed impossible, inaccurate or irrelevant.

      Clients use this method to provide navigation capability, for example, jumping from an item to the master (main) related item, that would be located at the resulting address.

      Plugin developers are recommended to implement this method.

      id - the item id
      an address best representing or matching the provided item, null otherwise
    • getRelatedItems

      List<Long> getRelatedItems(long id)
      Retrieve items related to the provided item id. The definition and context of 'relation' is implementation dependent.
      id - an item id
      a list of related items (not containing the provided id), may be empty - never null
    • getItemAtAddress

      long getItemAtAddress(String address)
      Attempt to determine the best item for a given address. Implementors may return 0 if a conversion is deemed impossible, inaccurate or irrelevant.
      address - the address
      an item best representing or matching the provided address, 0 otherwise
    • getAddressLabels

      default Map<String,String> getAddressLabels()
      Retrieve all labels. The default implementation returns an empty map.
      a map of "address: label" value pairs
    • getAddressLabel

      default String getAddressLabel(String address)
      Retrieve the label at a given address. The default implementation returns null.
      address - mandatory address
      the label, null if none
    • getWellKnownAddresses

      default Collection<String> getWellKnownAddresses(int maxCount, Predicate<String> validator)
      Retrieve a collection of valid unit addresses.
      maxCount - optional maximum count of entries to return; use -1 to remove the cap
      validator - optional validator; only addresses that pass the test will be retrieved