Interface IUnitCreator

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IAddressableUnit, IApkUnit, IArchiveUnit, IArtifact, IBinaryUnit, ICertificateUnit, ICodeObjectUnit, ICodeUnit, IDalvikDebuggerUnit, IDartAotUnit, IDebuggerUnit, IDecompilerUnit, IDexDecompilerUnit, IDexUnit, IDuplicatedUnit, IELFUnit, IInteractiveUnit, IJavaSourceUnit, IJsonUnit, INativeCodeUnit<InsnType>, INativeDebuggerUnit, INativeDecompilerUnit<InsnType>, INativeSourceUnit, IPECOFFUnit, IS7Unit, ISourceUnit, IUnit, IXApkUnit, IXmlUnit
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBinaryUnit, AbstractCodeObjectUnit, AbstractCodeUnit, AbstractInteractiveBinaryUnit, AbstractInteractiveUnit, AbstractUnit, Artifact, BinaryWrapperUnit, ContainerUnit, DataContainerUnit, FileContainerUnit, InteractiveWrapperUnit, LazyDataContainerUnit, UnknownBinaryUnit, WrapperUnit

public interface IUnitCreator extends IEventSource
An interface implemented by all types that produce units. Currently, unit creators can be:
  • Method Details

    • getInput

      IInput getInput()
      Retrieve the optional input data.
      optional input
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the name of this object.
    • getParent

      IUnitCreator getParent()
      Get the parent of the current object. Only an IUnit can have a parent IUnitCreator; ie, if this object is not an IUnit, this method returns null (ie, when the current object is an IArtifact).