Interface IDartAotUnit

All Superinterfaces:
IEventSource, IUnit, IUnitCreator, IUserDataSupport

public interface IDartAotUnit extends IUnit
Top-level interface for JEB units representing parsed Dart AOT binaries.

Refer to this blog entry to learn about how JEB detects and processes Dart AOT snapshots.

  • Method Details

    • getVmSnapshotInfo

      IDartAotSnapshotInfo getVmSnapshotInfo()
      Retrieve the virtual machine snapshot information object.
    • getIsolateSnapshotInfo

      IDartAotSnapshotInfo getIsolateSnapshotInfo()
      Retrieve the application isolate snapshot information object.
    • getInternalObjects

      List<IDartInternalObject> getInternalObjects()
      Retrieve the list of raw Dart objects held in the snapshots.
      immutable list
    • generatePrimaryPool

      List<Object> generatePrimaryPool()
      Build the primary pool. The primary pool is the first non-null Dart object of kObjectPoolCid type. Pool entries will be of the type any Long or IDartInternalObject.

      Note that String pool entries will be IDartInternalObject having a "string-type" classId (???StringCid). For such objects, the string is contained in the "data" attribute.

      the primary pool or null