Interface ICodeNode

All Superinterfaces:
IActionableItem, IActionableNode, IItem, INode, IVisualItem, IVisualNode

public interface ICodeNode extends IActionableNode
A special interface for nodes holding code items.

This interface has no equivalent for text or table documents.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • hasChildren

      boolean hasChildren()
    • getCountOfChildren

      int getCountOfChildren()
    • getChildren

      List<? extends ICodeNode> getChildren()
      Description copied from interface: INode
      Get the children of this node.
      Specified by:
      getChildren in interface INode
      a list of children nodes, possibly empty
    • getParent

      ICodeNode getParent()
      Get the parent code node.
      the parent node
    • getObject

      ICodeItem getObject()
      Get the underlying code object help by the node.
      the code object
    • findNodeByObject

      ICodeNode findNodeByObject(ICodeItem target)
      Find the first child node that holds the provided code item. The current node is also examined.
      target - the target code item
      reference to the first child node that wraps the target code item, null if none