Interface IVisualItem

All Known Subinterfaces:
IActionableCell, IActionableNode, IActionableTextItem, ICodeNode, IVisualCell, IVisualNode, IVisualTextItem
All Known Implementing Classes:
AssemblyItem, Cell, KVNode, Node, TextItem

public interface IVisualItem
Visual items are used to attach class information to items. A JEB front-end can attach styling information to those classes, such as foreground and background colors when the item is either active or inactive, font-related information, etc.

Many items may have the same class ID. Well-known class IDs are defined in ItemClassIdentifiers.

Note: this class is to be renamed.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieve the item class id, if any.
  • Method Details

    • getClassId

      ItemClassIdentifiers getClassId()
      Retrieve the item class id, if any.
      the class id, null if none