Interface INode

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IActionableNode, ICodeNode, IVisualNode
All Known Implementing Classes:
KVNode, Node

@Ser public interface INode extends IItem
A tree node definition, the main constituent of tree documents.
  • Method Details

    • getChildren

      List<? extends INode> getChildren()
      Get the children of this node.
      a list of children nodes, possibly empty
    • getLabel

      String getLabel()
      Get the primary label of this node. That label is used by simple trees as the primary label, or as the first label in a row for table trees.

      It is recommended to avoid new-line characters in the label. If new line characters are found, what happens to them is client-specific.

      the label
    • getAdditionalLabels

      String[] getAdditionalLabels()
      Get the additional labels for table trees. Simple trees should return null.

      It is recommended to avoid new-line characters in the label. If new line characters are found, what happens to them is client-specific.

      the list of additional labels. Example: If the table tree has 3 columns, that method should return at most 2 additional labels