Interface IActionableItem

All Known Subinterfaces:
IActionableCell, IActionableNode, IActionableTextItem, ICodeNode
All Known Implementing Classes:
AssemblyItem, Cell, KVNode, Node, TextItem

public interface IActionableItem
An active item has an item identifier. That id can be interpreted by the IUnit that produced the item. Retrieving which actions are supported by an item can be done by querying the owner unit. Several items may have the same id, for example, when they refer to the same abstraction. Those implementation details are the responsibility of the unit.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    This flag indicates that this item id is tied to one or more other related ids.
    static final long
    Identifier for opaque IDs
    static final long
    Mask used to extract the item type
    static final int
    This flag is used in the case where multiple items have the same id.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieve the item flags.
    Retrieve the item id.
  • Field Details


      static final long ITEM_TYPE_MASK
      Mask used to extract the item type
      See Also:

      static final long ITEM_TYPE_IDENTITY
      Identifier for opaque IDs
      See Also:

      static final int ROLE_MASTER
      This flag is used in the case where multiple items have the same id. Only one of those items may have this flag set. It is used to provide a hint to the client as of which of these items should be considered the "master", or root item. The official RCP client, for instance, uses this flag to implement jumps (or go-tos) from one item to the associated master item.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getItemId

      long getItemId()
      Retrieve the item id.
      the item id, 0 if none
    • getItemFlags

      int getItemFlags()
      Retrieve the item flags. Currently, allowed flags are:

      For code nodes, this is not to be confused with the generic flags.

      the items flags