public class


extends Object
   ↳ com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.util.DebuggerHelper

Class Overview

Helper routines for debugger units.


Public Constructors
Public Methods
static IDebuggerUnit getDebugger(IUnit unit, boolean createIfNotExist)
Retrieve a debugger for the provided code unit.
static IDebuggerUnit getDebugger(IUnit unit)
Retrieve or create a debugger for the provided code unit.
static IDebuggerUnit getDebuggerForUnit(IRuntimeProject project, IUnit unit)
This method is deprecated. use getDebugger(IUnit, false) instead
static String typeName(String codeUnitType)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public DebuggerHelper ()

Public Methods

public static IDebuggerUnit getDebugger (IUnit unit, boolean createIfNotExist)

Retrieve a debugger for the provided code unit.

An existing debugger unit that can potentially manage the provided code unit will be returned. If several are found, find the one which is attached. If several debuggers exists and are attached, the result will be null.

  • the decompiler unit or null

public static IDebuggerUnit getDebugger (IUnit unit)

Retrieve or create a debugger for the provided code unit.

  • the decompiler unit or null

public static IDebuggerUnit getDebuggerForUnit (IRuntimeProject project, IUnit unit)

This method is deprecated.
use getDebugger(IUnit, false) instead

public static String typeName (String codeUnitType)

codeUnitType unit type of a code unit
  • the unit type of a decompiler plugin for the provided code unit