AbstractBinaryUnit |
This extension class provides basic implementations for methods specific to binary units. |
AbstractCodeObjectUnit |
Convenient base class for code objects. |
AbstractCodeUnit |
Skeleton of a code unit. |
AbstractInteractiveBinaryUnit |
Skeleton of an interactive binary unit. |
AbstractInteractiveUnit |
Skeleton of an interactive unit. |
AbstractUnit |
Skeleton implementation for an IUnit . |
BinaryWrapperUnit |
Simple wrapper (decorator) for IBinaryUnit . |
ContainerUnit |
Container units are non-binary units used to represent tree structures. |
DataContainerUnit |
Container units used to recursively process virtual folders and data blobs. |
FileContainerUnit |
Container units used to represent folders and files. |
IAddressableUnit |
Addressable units allow the retrieval of unit objects via object identifiers and addresses. |
IApkUnit |
Interface for units representing Android "application packages", aka APK files. |
IArchiveUnit |
Represent an archive Unit (zip, jar, tar, apk ...). |
IBinaryUnit |
Methods in this interface are specific to units that take binary data (bytes) as input. |
ICertificateUnit |
Unit type representing cryptography certificates such as X509. |
ICodeObjectUnit |
A common interface for object files that hold machine code such as ELF, PE, or Mach-O. |
ICodeUnit |
Base interface for units representing disassembled binary code, such as bytecode, opcodes, object
files, executable files, and so on. |
IDalvikDebuggerUnit |
Specialized interface for Dalvik code debuggers. |
IDartAotUnit |
Top-level interface for JEB units representing parsed Dart AOT binaries. |
IDebuggerUnit |
Main Application Programming / Service Provider interface for JEB debugger units. |
IDecompilerUnit |
Generic interface for decompilers. |
IDexDecompilerUnit |
Specialized interface representing Dex (Dalvik) decompiler Units. |
IDexUnit |
Interface for units representing Android Dalvik bytecode containers, aka Dex files. |
IDuplicatedUnit |
Represent an IUnit without processing, because there is somewhere a duplicate unit
(exactly the same) in the current project. |
IELFUnit |
Specialized interface for ELF units. |
IInteractiveUnit |
Interactive units are addressable units that offer clients the ability to execute actions on
their contents. |
IJavaSourceUnit |
Definition of a source unit representing a Java class or Java method in the form of an Abstract
Syntax Tree (AST). |
IJsonUnit |
Represent a Json Unit |
INativeCodeUnit<InsnType extends IInstruction> |
Specialized code unit that manages a native code processor and uses a virtual memory. |
INativeDebuggerUnit |
Definition of native code debuggers. |
INativeDecompilerUnit<InsnType extends IInstruction> |
Top-level unit for native decompilers. |
INativeSourceUnit |
A specialized source unit representing the output of a native code decompiler. |
Base interface for PE and COFF units. |
IRuntimeProject |
A runtime project represents a loaded instance of a JEB project. |
IS7Unit |
S7 container unit. |
ISourceUnit |
This interface is used to represent source code abstract syntax trees (AST). |
IUnit |
Base interface for units . |
IXApkUnit |
Definition of an "extended" APK unit, aka X-APK. |
IXmlUnit |
Units providing XML documents are encouraged to implement this interface. |
InteractiveWrapperUnit |
Simple wrapper (decorator) for IInteractiveUnit . |
LazyDataContainerUnit |
A data container unit that fetches the data of its nodes only when necessary. |
UnknownBinaryUnit |
The fallback unit created if all parsers have failed at identifying some input data. |
UserDataSupport |
Standard implementation of the user-data support decorator interface. |
WrapperUnit<T extends IUnit> |
Simple wrapper (decorator) unit that delegates its job to the provided IUnit . |