#? name=Jump to an Activity, shortcut=Ctrl+Shift+J, help=position the caret on the Activity name in the Manifest, and fire the plugin to jump to the corresponding Activity code from jeb.api import IScript from jeb.api.ui import View from jeb.api.ui import CodePosition class JumpToActivity(IScript): def run(self, jeb): # basic requirements ui = jeb.getUI() if not ui: return if jeb.getApiVersion() < 2: print 'Please upgrade to JEB 1.3' return ui.focusView(View.Type.MANIFEST) v = ui.getView(View.Type.MANIFEST) if not v: print 'No Manifest' return # whole copy of the Manifest text = v.getText() # retrieve the package name pname = '' pos = text.find('package="') if pos >= 0: pos += 9 pos1 = text.find('"', pos) if pos1 >= 0: pname = text[pos:pos1] # the Activity name should be the on-caret item aname = v.getActiveItem() if not aname: print 'Please position the caret on the Activity name' return # absolute class classname if aname.startswith('.'): if not pname: print 'Package name not found' return aname = pname + aname ui.focusView(View.Type.ASSEMBLY) a = ui.getView(View.Type.ASSEMBLY) if not a: print 'No Assembly view' return # internal class name classname = 'L' + aname.replace('.', '/') + ';' if not a.setCodePosition(CodePosition(classname)): print 'Class not found: '+aname ui.focusView(View.Type.MANIFEST)