public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

A fragment representing parts of a unit. Fragments can be used to present documents generated by the unit, or display regions or various representations of a unit.


Public Methods
abstract String getActiveAddress()
Retrieve the active address in the fragment, if any.
abstract String getActiveAddress(AddressConversionPrecision precision)
Retrieve the active address in the fragment, with desired precision.
abstract IItem getActiveItem()
Retrieve the currently active item in the fragment (eg, the caret is on an interactive text item), if any.
abstract String getActiveItemAsText()
Retrieve the text representing the currently active item.
abstract IUnit getUnit()
Get the unit visualized by this fragment.
abstract boolean isActiveItem(IItem item)
Determine if the provided item is currently active in the fragment.
abstract boolean setActiveAddress(String address)
Set the active address within this fragment to the provided address.

Public Methods

public abstract String getActiveAddress ()

Retrieve the active address in the fragment, if any.

public abstract String getActiveAddress (AddressConversionPrecision precision)

Retrieve the active address in the fragment, with desired precision. Be careful that if precision is not managed, this method will return null. Call getActiveAddress() for safe result.

precision expected precision of the Active Address.

public abstract IItem getActiveItem ()

Retrieve the currently active item in the fragment (eg, the caret is on an interactive text item), if any.

  • an item or null

public abstract String getActiveItemAsText ()

Retrieve the text representing the currently active item.

  • a string, or null if there is no active item or the item has no textual representation

public abstract IUnit getUnit ()

Get the unit visualized by this fragment.

  • the unit, never null

public abstract boolean isActiveItem (IItem item)

Determine if the provided item is currently active in the fragment.

public abstract boolean setActiveAddress (String address)

Set the active address within this fragment to the provided address.

address the address
  • success indicator