Enum Class J

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<J>, Constable

public enum J extends Enum<J>
JEB back-end event types. Used by JebEvent.

The five general categories of event types:

  • Context
  • Project
  • Artifact
  • Unit
  • Other (e.g. notifications)
Only debugger units are allowed to issue events of type Dbg*. Generally, an event is issued by the object of concern. That means that the source attribute will reference the object that both issued and is concerned by the event. Additional information may be placed in the data attribute.
  • Enum Constant Details

    • CoreError

      public static final J CoreError
      This event type signals a critical, unrecoverable error.

      `data` is a string message containing the core status

    • Notification

      public static final J Notification
      This event type is used to notify clients of various generic events.

      `data` should be of type ClientNotification.

    • FloatingNotification

      public static final J FloatingNotification
      This event type is used by floating controllers to notify floating clients of licensing events. (Specific to JEB Pro Floating build types.)

      `data` should be of type ControllerNotification.

    • ContextInitialized

      public static final J ContextInitialized
      Issued by a context after initialization.
    • ContextClosed

      public static final J ContextClosed
      Issued by a context at the end of the closing process.
    • ProjectLoaded

      public static final J ProjectLoaded
      Issued by the context after a project was loaded or created.
    • ProjectSaved

      public static final J ProjectSaved
      Issued by the context after a project was saved.
    • ProjectUnloaded

      public static final J ProjectUnloaded
      Issued by the context after a project was closed.
    • ProjectClosing

      public static final J ProjectClosing
      Issued by a project before starting the closing process.
    • ProjectPropertyChanged

      public static final J ProjectPropertyChanged
      Issued by a project to notify that one of its properties was changed.
    • ArtifactProcessed

      public static final J ArtifactProcessed
      Issued by a project after processing an artifact.
    • ArtifactDestroyed

      public static final J ArtifactDestroyed
      Issued by a project when one of its children was destroyed
    • ArtifactPropertyChanged

      public static final J ArtifactPropertyChanged
      Issued by an artifact to notify that one of its properties was changed.
    • UnitCreated

      public static final J UnitCreated
      Issued by a parent unit after a child unit was added
    • UnitDisposed

      public static final J UnitDisposed
      Issued by a unit at the end of disposal process
    • UnitDestroyed

      public static final J UnitDestroyed
      Issued by a parent unit when one of its children was destroyed
    • UnitProcessed

      public static final J UnitProcessed
      Issued by a unit to notify that processing is complete.
    • UnitChange

      public static final J UnitChange
      Issued by a unit when its contents was changed.

      `data` may reference an UnitChangeEventData object; the attributes of that object are specific to the unit that generated the event.

    • UnitPropertyChanged

      public static final J UnitPropertyChanged
      A property of the unit has changed, e.g. the name or description
    • UnitStatusChanged

      public static final J UnitStatusChanged
      The status of the unit has changed
    • CodeAnalysisCompleted

      public static final J CodeAnalysisCompleted
      This event is issued by INativeCodeUnit when a code analysis is completed. Be careful, this event may be sent before or after the UnitProcessed is fired:
      - if the analysis is synchronous, the UnitProcessed event is always received after this event.
      - if the analysis is asynchronous, the UnitProcessed event is likely to be received before this event.
    • DbgClientNotification

      public static final J DbgClientNotification
      Debugger-issued notification (information) to JEB clients
    • DbgAttach

      public static final J DbgAttach
      The debugger has attached to a target
    • DbgDetach

      public static final J DbgDetach
      The debugger has detached from a target (the target may or may not be alive)
    • DbgRun

      public static final J DbgRun
      The target (or part of it) is being run or resumed
    • DbgPause

      public static final J DbgPause
      The target (or part of it) is being paused/suspended
    • DbgThreadDefault

      public static final J DbgThreadDefault
      The default thread was changed
    • DbgThreadResumed

      public static final J DbgThreadResumed
      A thread was paused by the debugger
    • DbgThreadSuspended

      public static final J DbgThreadSuspended
      A thread was suspended by the debugger
    • DbgBreakpointSet

      public static final J DbgBreakpointSet
      A breakpoint was added
    • DbgBreakpointUnset

      public static final J DbgBreakpointUnset
      A breakpoint was removed
    • DbgTargetEvent

      public static final J DbgTargetEvent
      An asynchronous event was generated by the debugged target.
      Example: breakpoint hit, exception, thread started/ended, library code loaded/unloaded, etc.
      `data` is of type IDebuggerEventData.
    • DecompClientNotification

      public static final J DecompClientNotification
      Decompiler-issued notification (information) to JEB clients. More specialized than the generic Notification
    • DecompSrcUnitResetEvent

      public static final J DecompSrcUnitResetEvent
      A decompiled source unit was reset.

      `data` holds the source unit reference attribute.

    • PropertyChange

      public static final J PropertyChange
      A property was updated.

      `data` will hold a PropertyChangeNotification object

  • Method Details

    • values

      public static J[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static J valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • isContextEvent

      public static boolean isContextEvent(IEvent event)
    • isProjectEvent

      public static boolean isProjectEvent(IEvent event)
    • isArtifactEvent

      public static boolean isArtifactEvent(IEvent event)
    • isUnitEvent

      public static boolean isUnitEvent(IEvent event)
    • isDebuggerEvent

      public static boolean isDebuggerEvent(IEvent event)
    • isDecompilerEvent

      public static boolean isDecompilerEvent(IEvent event)