Class PropertyChangeNotification


public class PropertyChangeNotification extends Object
Event data issued with J.PropertyChange to report changes in one or more JEB properties. This object contains one or more updated properties, and their updated values.
  • Constructor Details

    • PropertyChangeNotification

      public PropertyChangeNotification()
    • PropertyChangeNotification

      public PropertyChangeNotification(String propfqn, Object value, IPropertyDefinition pd)
  • Method Details

    • add

      public void add(String propfqn, Object value, IPropertyDefinition pd)
    • entries

    • has

      public boolean has(String... propfqns)
      Determine if this object contains a change notification at least one of the provided property name.
      propfqns - list of properties to be tested
      if true, at least one of the provided properties is part of the list of updates stored in this notification object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object