Package com.pnfsoftware.jeb.util.collect
Interface ISegmentMap<K extends Comparable<K>,V extends ISegment<K>>
- Type Parameters:
- key/address typeV
- value/segment type
- All Superinterfaces:
,V> NavigableMap<K,
,V> SortedMap<K,
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface ISegmentMap<K extends Comparable<K>,V extends ISegment<K>>
extends NavigableMap<K,V>
Definition of a
, a data structure similar to an interval-map
. A
segment-map is a collection of non-overlapping, ordered segments. Null keys are not allowed.
- Keys are referred to as addresses
- Values are referred to segments
Nested Class Summary
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAdd a segment to the map.addAndMerge
(V v, BiFunction<Couple<K, K>, List<V>, V> merge) Adds a segment to the map and merge all the values within the overlap.contiguousSubMap
(K begin, K end, ISegmentFactory<K, V> factory) Get a map containing all the segments in the ranges, without any gap.Create segments to fill in the gaps in the provided range of addresses.generateGapItems
(K begin, boolean allowHeader, K end, boolean allowTrailer, ISegmentFactory<K, V> factory, boolean addItemsToMap) Create segments to fill in the gaps in the provided range of addresses.generateGaps
(K begin, boolean allowHeader, K end, boolean allowTrailer) Generate a list of segments that correspond to the ordered gaps list of this map.generateGaps
(K begin, boolean allowHeader, K end, boolean allowTrailer, ISegmentGapVerifier<K> verifier) Generate a list of segments that correspond to the ordered gaps list of this map.getOverlappingSegmentsMap
(K begin, boolean includeFirstPartialSegment, K end, boolean includeLastPartialSegment) Get all segments partially or fully present in the given range.getSegmentAfter
(K key) Get the closest segment after the provided address, which does not contain it.getSegmentBefore
(K key) Get the closest segment before the provided address, which does not contain it.getSegmentContaining
(K key) Get the segment containing the provided address.boolean
(K begin, K end) Determine is the provided range is unencumbered.Add a segment to the map.void
Add multiple segments to the map.Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
clear, compute, computeIfAbsent, computeIfPresent, containsKey, containsValue, equals, forEach, get, getOrDefault, hashCode, isEmpty, merge, putIfAbsent, remove, remove, replace, replace, replaceAll, size
Methods inherited from interface java.util.NavigableMap
ceilingEntry, ceilingKey, descendingKeySet, descendingMap, firstEntry, floorEntry, floorKey, headMap, headMap, higherEntry, higherKey, lastEntry, lowerEntry, lowerKey, navigableKeySet, pollFirstEntry, pollLastEntry, subMap, subMap, tailMap, tailMap
Method Details
Add a segment to the map. Convenience method, similar toput
.- Parameters:
- value to add- Returns:
- the added value
Adds a segment to the map and merge all the values within the overlap. If no overlap, this method just callsadd(ISegment)
.- Parameters:
- value to addmerge
- Merge function. First parameter is aCouple
(begin, end) of the new merged segment. Second parameter is the list of all values to merge (including the value v). For example, a valid function would be:(c, l) -> new
(c.getFirst(), c.getSecond() - c.getFirst())
Add a segment to the map. This method throwsIllegalArgumentException
- the key is null or invalid
- the key differs fromvalue.getBegin()
- the segment is invalid (eg, zero-length) - the segment to be inserted overlaps existing segments (alternatively, an implementation may decide to remove the overlapping segments) -
Add multiple segments to the map. -
Get the segment containing the provided address.- Parameters:
- address to probe- Returns:
- the containing segment, null if none (it is a gap)
Get the closest segment after the provided address, which does not contain it.- Parameters:
- address to probe- Returns:
- the next segment, null if none (final gap)
Get the closest segment before the provided address, which does not contain it.- Parameters:
- address to probe- Returns:
- the previous segment, null if none
SortedMap<K,V> getOverlappingSegmentsMap(K begin, boolean includeFirstPartialSegment, K end, boolean includeLastPartialSegment) Get all segments partially or fully present in the given range. The returned map is not a view of the original map. Modifying it will not modify the original map.- Parameters:
-- Returns:
- a map
Determine is the provided range is unencumbered.- Parameters:
- inclusive start addressend
- exclusive end address- Returns:
Get a map containing all the segments in the ranges, without any gap. UnlikesubMap
, the map returned by this method is not a "view" of the original map; modifying this map, such as inserting or deleting items, does not modify the original map. The original segment-map is not modified; that is, if gap items, are created, they are not added to the original map.- Parameters:
- start address, inclusive. The first item should start at or after this address; any item simply containing (ie, spanning over) the start address will not be part of the resulting map.end
- end address end address, exclusivefactory
- a factory used to generate gap items- Returns:
Create segments to fill in the gaps in the provided range of addresses. Trailer and header gaps will be created if need be.- Parameters:
- begin addressend
- end addressfactory
- a factory object used to create segments- Returns:
- the list of segments that were created
List<V> generateGapItems(K begin, boolean allowHeader, K end, boolean allowTrailer, ISegmentFactory<K, V> factory, boolean addItemsToMap) Create segments to fill in the gaps in the provided range of addresses.- Parameters:
- begin addressallowHeader
- determine if an unbounded gap header can be filledend
- end addressallowTrailer
- determine if an unbounded gap trailer can be filledfactory
- a factory object used to create segmentsaddItemsToMap
- if true, the items created to fill in the gaps in the segment map are also added to the segment map- Returns:
- the list of segments that were created
List<Couple<K,K>> generateGaps(K begin, boolean allowHeader, K end, boolean allowTrailer, ISegmentGapVerifier<K> verifier) Generate a list of segments that correspond to the ordered gaps list of this map.- Parameters:
- optional verifier to customize the generated list- Returns:
- a list of [begin, end) keys representing the gap segments
Generate a list of segments that correspond to the ordered gaps list of this map.- Parameters:
-- Returns:
- a list of [begin, end) keys representing the gap segments