Interface ISegment<K extends Comparable<K>>

Type Parameters:
K - key/address type
All Known Subinterfaces:
IEVar, INativeContinuousItem, INativeDataItem, INativeInstructionItem, INativeStringItem, IVariable
All Known Implementing Classes:
IntegerSegment, LongSegment, MemoryRanges.Range, Module

@Ser public interface ISegment<K extends Comparable<K>>
The value type used by segment-maps, a segment has a beginning and end. Those values are referred to as segments. Segments have a key (referred to as address), and span over a range up to their end address. The end address should be strictly greater than the start address.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the address where the segment starts.
    Get the address where the segment ends (exclusive).
  • Method Details

    • getBegin

      K getBegin()
      Get the address where the segment starts.
      the address where the segment begins
    • getEnd

      K getEnd()
      Get the address where the segment ends (exclusive).
      the address where the segment ends