Uses of Package

The core package and sub-packages define classes and interfaces to interact with and develop JEB back-end plugins.
Types used to implement and access data identifiers, parsers, code analyzers, disassemblers, decompilers, and debuggers.
This package and sub-packages contains types used by the native code analysis pipeline, including gendec (the generic decompiler).
Types relating to the disassembler engine.
This package and its sub-packages contain the types used to access gendec, JEB's generic decompiler.
C AST types, used in AST documents provided by the source units generated by gendec.
Types used to create and access gendec's IR (Intermediate Representation).
Types used by the IR template and IR compiler.
IR emulator facility.
Native code items, including code items and data items.
Types used to represent a virtual memory used when analyzing native code.
Types used during the generation of native code disassembly.
Classes and interfaces to access and define native types and related objects, used by JEB's native code analysis pipeline (including gendec).
Public types and interfaces provided by the Simatic S7 analysis plugins.