Interface IReferenceType

All Superinterfaces:
ICodeItem, ICodeType, INativeItem, INativeItemListenable, INativeType

@Ser public interface IReferenceType extends INativeType
The reference type, or pointer type.
  • Method Details

    • getMainType

      INativeType getMainType()
      Get the main type.

      Example: If this reference is a int** (pointer to pointer to int), then the main type is int.

    • getReferenceCount

      int getReferenceCount()
      Get the reference count.

      Example: If this reference is a int** (pointer to pointer to int), then the reference count is 2.

    • getReferencedType

      default INativeType getReferencedType()
      Get the referenced type. Example: If this reference is a int** (pointer to pointer to int), then the referenced type is int* (pointer to int).
    • getPointedType

      INativeType getPointedType()
      Get the pointed type. Same as getReferencedType().