Interface INativeType

All Superinterfaces:
ICodeItem, ICodeType, INativeItem, INativeItemListenable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IAliasType, IArrayType, IClassType, IEnumerationType, IPrimitiveType, IPrototypeItem, IReferenceType, IStructureType

@Ser public interface INativeType extends INativeItem, ICodeType
Base interface for native types. Those items are managed by a ITypeManager. A native type has a size in memory.
  • Method Details

    • getTypeManager

      ITypeManager getTypeManager()
      Get the type manager responsible for this type.
    • getSize

      int getSize()
      Get the memory size of this type, in bytes.

      Note that the computation of the size takes into account padding, packing, and alignment considerations, if they are applicable to the type (eg, for structures).

    • getBitsize

      default int getBitsize()
      Get the memory size of this type, in bits.

      Note that the computation of the size takes into account padding, packing, and alignment considerations, if they are applicable to the type (eg, for structures).

    • getReference

      IReferenceType getReference()
      Convenience method used to create a reference (pointer) type on this type.
      a pointer type to this type