All Superinterfaces:
ICElement, ICStatement
All Known Subinterfaces:
ICBlock, ICConditionalStatement, ICDoWhileStm, ICForStm, ICGenericBreakable, ICGenericLoop, ICGenericWhileLoop, ICIfStm, ICSwitchStm, ICWhileStm

@Ser public interface ICCompound extends ICStatement
C AST interface to represent compound statements.

Compound statements contain more statements, laid out in blocks. A block is the simplest type of compound. Compounds include if-conditionals, loops, switches, etc.

  • Method Details

    • getBlocks

      List<ICBlock> getBlocks()
      Retrieve the list of blocks (not elements) that are used to define that compound element.
    • insertAt

      boolean insertAt(long target_offset, ICStatement insert_stm)
      Insert a statement at a particular offset within the AST. This function recurses down the AST tree, inside the blocks, to find the exact location where the statement should be inserted.
      target_offset -
      insert_stm -
    • generateFlatList

      List<ICStatement> generateFlatList()
      Generate a flat list of AST and pseudo-AST elements that make up this block. This function allows the caller to get a flat representation of the AST, much like a programmer would view a source code. Note that the statements returned can be pseudo statements, ie, they're not real statements. For example, a flat view of a conditional block would return pseudo-statements to represent the "if" line, the "else if" lines, and the "else" line.
      a list of statements and pseudo-statements
    • reset

      void reset()
      Reset the compound. Internal use.
    • duplicate

      ICCompound duplicate()
      Description copied from interface: ICElement
      Deep duplication of the element. Sub-elements are duplicated.

      Note: ICClass, ICMethod, ICField, ICIdentifier, ICConstant, ICType and ICLabel are not duplicated.

      Specified by:
      duplicate in interface ICElement
      Specified by:
      duplicate in interface ICStatement