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JEB Decompiler API Doc
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OP_ADD_DOUBLE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_ADD_DOUBLE_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_ADD_FLOAT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_ADD_FLOAT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_ADD_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_ADD_INT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_ADD_INT_LIT16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_ADD_INT_LIT8 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_ADD_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_ADD_LONG_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_AGET - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_AGET_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_AGET_BYTE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_AGET_CHAR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_AGET_OBJECT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_AGET_SHORT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_AGET_WIDE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_AND_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_AND_INT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_AND_INT_LIT16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_AND_INT_LIT8 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_AND_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_AND_LONG_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_APUT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_APUT_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_APUT_BYTE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_APUT_CHAR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_APUT_OBJECT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_APUT_SHORT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_APUT_WIDE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_ARRAY_LENGTH - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CHECK_CAST - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CHECK_CAST_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CMP_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CMPG_DOUBLE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CMPG_FLOAT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CMPL_DOUBLE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CMPL_FLOAT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CONST - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CONST_16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CONST_4 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CONST_CLASS - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CONST_CLASS_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CONST_HIGH16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CONST_STRING - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CONST_STRING_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CONST_WIDE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CONST_WIDE_16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CONST_WIDE_32 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_CONST_WIDE_HIGH16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_DIV_DOUBLE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_DIV_DOUBLE_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_DIV_FLOAT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_DIV_FLOAT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_DIV_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_DIV_INT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_DIV_INT_LIT16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_DIV_INT_LIT8 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_DIV_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_DIV_LONG_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_DOUBLE_TO_FLOAT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_DOUBLE_TO_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_DOUBLE_TO_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_FILL_ARRAY_DATA - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_FLOAT_TO_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_FLOAT_TO_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_GOTO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_GOTO_16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_GOTO_32 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IF_EQ - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IF_EQZ - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IF_GE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IF_GEZ - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IF_GT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IF_GTZ - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IF_LE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IF_LEZ - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IF_LT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IF_LTZ - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IF_NE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IF_NEZ - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET_BOOLEAN_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET_BYTE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET_BYTE_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET_CHAR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET_CHAR_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET_OBJECT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET_OBJECT_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET_SHORT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET_SHORT_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET_WIDE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IGET_WIDE_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INSTANCE_OF - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INSTANCE_OF_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INT_TO_BYTE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INT_TO_CHAR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INT_TO_DOUBLE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INT_TO_FLOAT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INT_TO_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INT_TO_SHORT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_DIRECT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE_RANGE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_STATIC - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_STATIC_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_SUPER - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_SUPER_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT_BOOLEAN_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT_BYTE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT_BYTE_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT_CHAR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT_CHAR_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT_OBJECT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT_OBJECT_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT_SHORT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT_SHORT_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT_WIDE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_IPUT_WIDE_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_LONG_TO_DOUBLE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_LONG_TO_FLOAT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_LONG_TO_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MONITOR_ENTER - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MONITOR_EXIT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MOVE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MOVE_16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MOVE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MOVE_FROM_16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MOVE_OBJECT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MOVE_OBJECT_16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MOVE_OBJECT_FROM_16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MOVE_RESULT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MOVE_RESULT_WIDE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MOVE_WIDE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MOVE_WIDE_16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MOVE_WIDE_FROM_16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MUL_DOUBLE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MUL_DOUBLE_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MUL_FLOAT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MUL_FLOAT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MUL_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MUL_INT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MUL_INT_LIT16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MUL_INT_LIT8 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MUL_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_MUL_LONG_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_NEG_DOUBLE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_NEG_FLOAT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_NEG_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_NEG_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_NEW_ARRAY - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_NEW_ARRAY_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_NEW_INSTANCE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_NEW_INSTANCE_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_NOP - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_NOT_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_NOT_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_OR_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_OR_INT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_OR_INT_LIT16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_OR_INT_LIT8 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_OR_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_OR_LONG_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_PACKED_SWITCH - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_REM_DOUBLE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_REM_DOUBLE_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_REM_FLOAT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_REM_FLOAT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_REM_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_REM_INT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_REM_INT_LIT16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_REM_INT_LIT8 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_REM_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_REM_LONG_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_RETURN - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_RETURN_OBJECT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_RETURN_VOID - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_RETURN_WIDE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_RSUB_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_RSUB_INT_LIT8 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET_BOOLEAN_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET_BYTE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET_BYTE_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET_CHAR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET_CHAR_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET_OBJECT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET_OBJECT_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET_SHORT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET_SHORT_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET_WIDE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SGET_WIDE_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SHL_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SHL_INT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SHL_INT_LIT8 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SHL_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SHL_LONG_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SHR_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SHR_INT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SHR_INT_LIT8 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SHR_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SHR_LONG_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPARSE_SWITCH - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT_BOOLEAN_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT_BYTE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT_BYTE_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT_CHAR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT_CHAR_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT_OBJECT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT_OBJECT_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT_SHORT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT_SHORT_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT_WIDE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SPUT_WIDE_JUMBO - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SUB_DOUBLE - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SUB_DOUBLE_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SUB_FLOAT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SUB_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SUB_INT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SUB_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_SUB_LONG_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_THROW - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_USHR_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_USHR_INT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_USHR_INT_LIT8 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_USHR_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_USHR_LONG_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_XOR_INT - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_XOR_INT_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_XOR_INT_LIT16 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_XOR_INT_LIT8 - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_XOR_LONG - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
OP_XOR_LONG_2ADDR - Static variable in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstructionSet
Operator - Class in jeb.api.ast
This class is used to represent expression operators.
Optimizer - Class in jeb.api.ast
This class is an interface to JEB's AST optimization engine.
Optimizer(JebInstance, Method) - Constructor for class jeb.api.ast.Optimizer
Create a new optimizer instance.
OR - Static variable in class jeb.api.ast.Operator
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PNF Software, Inc. (c) 2015