Interface INativeDataAnalyzer

public interface INativeDataAnalyzer
The data analyzer is used to create data items for a native code unit model.
  • Method Details

    • getTypeManager

      ITypeManager getTypeManager()
      Retrieve the type manager used by this data parser.
    • apply

      INativeDataItem apply(long address, INativeType type)
      Create a data item at the provided address: Parse data as an item of the given type. The returned item should be registered to a memory model or immediately disposed.
      address -
      type -
    • apply

      INativeDataItem apply(long address, INativeType type, int appliedSize)
      Create a data item at the provided address: Parse data as an item of the given type. The returned item should be registered to a memory model or immediately disposed.
      address -
      type -
      appliedSize - -1 for full size application; disregarded for non-complex items
    • createString

      INativeStringItem createString(long address, long size, INativeType type, StringEncoding stringType, String defaultStringValue)
      Create a string item. The returned item should be registered to a memory model or immediately disposed.
      address -
      size -
      type -
      stringType -
      defaultStringValue -