Interface INativeCodeAnalyzerExtensionsManager<InsnType extends IInstruction>

Type Parameters:
InsnType -
All Superinterfaces:

@Ser public interface INativeCodeAnalyzerExtensionsManager<InsnType extends IInstruction> extends INativeCodeAnalyzerExtension<InsnType>
Interface for the extensions manager of the INativeCodeAnalyzer. This manager should be instantiated from the analyzer in question.

Extensions implement INativeCodeAnalyzerExtension, as does the manager. For each method of this interface, the manager asks extensions in the order of their priority (see INativeCodeAnalyzerExtensionsManager.ExtensionPriority), and each of them can provide a final result, or let the following extensions be asked (see ChainedOperationResult). For now we do not attempt to merge conflicting results; the last extension to have provided a meaningful result has the final word.

For now, clients can only register extensions; those extensions can have priority over the default extensions if they are registered with INativeCodeAnalyzerExtensionsManager.ExtensionPriority.HIGH_PRIORITY.