All Superinterfaces:
IDElement, IDExpression, IInstructionOperand

public interface IDVar extends IDExpression
dexdec IR interface used to represent a variable (a.k.a. an identifier). Variables are factory-created by an IR context. Within a context, two variables with the same id are the same object.

Variables may be single-slot (encoded using a single register) or double-slot (encoded using a pair of registers).


 int x = 1;
     ^  // single-slot register
 long y = 2L;
      ^  // double-slot register
  • Method Details

    • getId

      int getId()
      Get this variable id.
    • usesSingleRegister

      boolean usesSingleRegister()
      Determine whether this variable uses one slot (register) only.
    • usesPairOfRegisters

      boolean usesPairOfRegisters()
      Determine whether this variable uses two slots (registers).
    • getPreferredName

      String getPreferredName()
      Retrieve the preferred name of this identifier, if there is one. Typically, the preferred is set to the debug name, if one is provided.
      preferred name, may be null (in which case, a name would be auto-generated)
    • setPreferredName

      void setPreferredName(String name)
      Set the optional preferred name of this identifier.
      name - optional preferred name
    • duplicate

      IDVar duplicate()
      Pseudo-duplication. For variables, this method returns this.
      Specified by:
      duplicate in interface IDElement
      Specified by:
      duplicate in interface IDExpression
      a deep copy of this element; the type of the duplicated element should be the same as this element's type