Interface IDAllocObjectInfo

All Superinterfaces:
IDElement, IDExpression, IDInvokeInfo, IInstructionOperand

public interface IDAllocObjectInfo extends IDInvokeInfo
dexdec IR object-allocation information that can be used by invoke instructions.

This low-level IR expression corresponds to the Dalvik opcode new-instance, which allocates uninitialized memory for an object to be constructed. (It is the first part of a new-object construction, the second part being the object initialization via <init calls.)

It is recommended to keep this IR for as little time as possible in a method context (example: it may be generated during an intermediate optimization phase, and discarded/optimized away before the end of the optimization). This IR cannot be evaluated.

  • Method Details

    • getObjectType

      IJavaType getObjectType()
      Retrieve the type of object being allocated.
      the object type, which should be the same as the IR type
    • duplicate

      IDAllocObjectInfo duplicate()
      Description copied from interface: IDElement
      Duplicate this element.
      Specified by:
      duplicate in interface IDElement
      Specified by:
      duplicate in interface IDExpression
      Specified by:
      duplicate in interface IDInvokeInfo
      a deep copy of this element; the type of the duplicated element should be the same as this element's type