
public class DCopyOptions extends Object
copy() options for IR expressions.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DCopyOptions

      public DCopyOptions()
  • Method Details

    • onDup

      public IDExpression onDup(IDExpression e)
      This method is called by IDElement.copy(DCopyOptions) to provide customized 'duplication'. Note that restrictions apply to IDPredicate and IDInstruction, which must be copied to similarly-typed IR, and to non-IDExpression IR ( IDSwitchData, IDTarget, IDIndex), which can only be duplicated.

      The default implementation uses the public attributes of this class to support common use cases. This method may be overridden. The override should call super if it were to return null.

      e - a source IR
      a copied IR, whose type must be compatible with e and suitable within the containing expression; the IR element returned may be duplicated if it was already provided by a previous call to onDup(IDExpression)