Interface ICodeClass

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IDexClass, INativeClassItem

public interface ICodeClass extends ICodeItem
A class object.
  • Method Details

    • getPackage

      ICodePackage getPackage()
      Get the package that contains this class.
      the package, possibly null if the class is not located in a package
    • getClassType

      ICodeType getClassType()
      Get the optional type implemented by this class item.
    • getSupertypes

      List<? extends ICodeType> getSupertypes()
      Get the list of super types for this class.
    • getImplementedInterfaces

      List<? extends ICodeType> getImplementedInterfaces()
      Get the list of implemented interface types for this class.
    • getMethods

      List<? extends ICodeMethod> getMethods()
      Get the list of methods that are defined in this class (super methods are not returned).
      a list of methods, possibly empty if this class has no implementation
    • getFields

      List<? extends ICodeField> getFields()
      Get the list of fields that are defined in this class (super fields are not returned).
      a list of fields, possibly empty if this class has no implementation