Interface ICodeMethod

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IDexMethod, INativeMethodItem

public interface ICodeMethod extends ICodeItem
Interface representing a method.
  • Method Details

    • getClassType

      ICodeType getClassType()
      Get the type of the class holding this method. This method will return null if the method is class-less (example, a native sub-routine not contained in any class).
      the class type, null if unknown
    • getReturnType

      ICodeType getReturnType()
      Get the method's return type.
      the return type, null if unknown
    • getParameterTypes

      List<? extends ICodeType> getParameterTypes()
      Get the method's parameters list.
      the parameter types, null if unknown
    • getInstructions

      List<? extends IInstruction> getInstructions()
      Get the list of instructions of the method's body.
      null if the method has no body; else, a list (possibly empty) of instructions