Class FlowInformation

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Ser public class FlowInformation extends Object implements IFlowInformation
Default IFlowInformation implementation
  • Field Details


      public static final int FLAG_COMPUTE_FT
      See Also:
    • FLAG_NO_FT

      public static final int FLAG_NO_FT
      See Also:
    • NONE

      public static final FlowInformation NONE
      No flow information: the instruction does not modify the flow of execution.
    • EMPTY

      public static final FlowInformation EMPTY
      Empty flow information: the instruction modifies the flow of execution, but no target is explicitly specified.

      public static final FlowInformation EMPTY_NO_FT
      Empty flow information, and implicit fall-through is disabled: the instruction modifies the flow of execution, but no target is explicitly specified. This constant is suitable for bad or tentative call-to-subs for which the return-to-caller is uncertain.
  • Constructor Details

    • FlowInformation

      public FlowInformation()
      Create an object with an empty target list, no post-compute fall-through, and no delay-slot (default). Note: this object indicates that the flow is changing, regardless of whether of not the target list will be populated. To indicate no-change in flow, a user should use NONE.
    • FlowInformation

      public FlowInformation(boolean computeFallThrough, int delaySlotCount)
      Create an object with an empty target list. Note: this object indicates that the flow is changing, regardless of whether of not the target list will be populated. To indicate no-change in flow, a user should use NONE.
      computeFallThrough -
      delaySlotCount -
  • Method Details

    • addTarget

      public void addTarget(ICodePointer entryPoint)
      Add a target to the list of possible targets.
      entryPoint -
    • addTargets

      public void addTargets(Collection<? extends ICodePointer> entryPoints)
      Add a collection of targets to the list of possible targets.
      entryPoints -
    • isBroken

      public boolean isBroken()
      Description copied from interface: IFlowInformation
      Determine if this object does contain flow information.
      Specified by:
      isBroken in interface IFlowInformation
      true is the flow is broken (eg, generic branch)
    • isBrokenUnknown

      public boolean isBrokenUnknown()
      Description copied from interface: IFlowInformation
      Determine if this object does contain flow information but has no known targets.

      IMPORTANT: if this flow info object is mixed (it specifies having unknown target(s), and also bears known targets), this method returns false.

      Specified by:
      isBrokenUnknown in interface IFlowInformation
      true if the flow is broken but no targets are known
    • isBrokenKnown

      public boolean isBrokenKnown()
      Description copied from interface: IFlowInformation
      Determine if this object does contain flow information and all targets are known.
      Specified by:
      isBrokenKnown in interface IFlowInformation
      true if the flow is broken and all targets are known
    • getTargets

      public List<ICodePointer> getTargets()
      Description copied from interface: IFlowInformation
      Get the a list of targets. Be careful, this list does not include the fall-through target if it is implied (eg, when flow-info is returned by IInstruction.getRoutineCall(long)) or when its calculation was requested dynamically (via IFlowInformation.mustComputeFallThrough()).
      Specified by:
      getTargets in interface IFlowInformation
      the list of addresses that must be checked, possibly empty. A null value signifies no-flow information.
    • setComputeFallThrough

      public void setComputeFallThrough(boolean enabled)
    • mustComputeFallThrough

      public boolean mustComputeFallThrough()
      Description copied from interface: IFlowInformation
      Indicate if the flow information includes a fall-through address (relative to the current instruction) that is not present in the FlowInfo object itself. If this method returns true, the caller must dynamically calculate the fall-through address itself.

      Note that the creator of a flowinfo object may decide to add the fall-through (if any) in the flowinfo object target list. However, in some cases, such as branching instructions with delay slot(s), it is simpler to indicate that the branching instruction allows a fall-through flow, but that it should be computed by the client/user, instead of stored or computed by the flowinfo object.

      Specified by:
      mustComputeFallThrough in interface IFlowInformation
      true if the flowinfo object does not include a fall-through address, false otherwise
    • setNoFallThrough

      public void setNoFallThrough(boolean enabled)
    • noFallThrough

      public boolean noFallThrough()
      Description copied from interface: IFlowInformation
      Indicate whether this flow information forbids the implicit calculation of a fall-through edge. (A fall-through may be explicitly specified as a target, regardless.)
      Specified by:
      noFallThrough in interface IFlowInformation
      true if the flowinfo specifies no fall-through
    • setDelaySlotCount

      public void setDelaySlotCount(int delaySlotCount)
    • getDelaySlotCount

      public int getDelaySlotCount()
      Description copied from interface: IFlowInformation
      Get the number of instructions in the delay slot.
      Specified by:
      getDelaySlotCount in interface IFlowInformation
      number of instructions in delay slot
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • isAddressInTargets

      public static boolean isAddressInTargets(IFlowInformation flowinfo, long address)