Interface IMetadataGroup

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractMetadataGroup, AddressPrefixMetadataGroup, MetadataGroup

@Ser public interface IMetadataGroup
Definition of a group of metadata objects.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the group name.
    • getType

      Get the group type.
    • getAllData

      Map<String,Object> getAllData()
      Get a read-only map of all the key-value pairs of metadata items contained in this group. Not all groups may be able to provide this functionality. If so, this method should return null.
      a map of key-value pairs, possibly empty; if the operation is not supported, null is returned
    • getData

      Object getData(String address)
      Get the piece of metadata associated with the provided address.
      address - address
      the data at address, null if none
    • getData

      Object getData(String address, AddressConversionPrecision precision)
      Get the piece of metadata associated with the provided address.
      address - address
      precision - precision of the input address. AddressConversionPrecision.COARSE will use raw references (may fasten result)
      the data at address, null if none
    • setData

      boolean setData(String address, Object data)
      Set or remove the piece of metadata associated with the given address.
      address - address
      data - metadata, use null to remove
      true if the operation succeeded; false otherwise (eg, the operation is not supported)
    • getSectionAnchorIds

      List<String> getSectionAnchorIds()
      Retrieve the list of addresses that represent the start/change of a section, null if none.
      the list of addresses