Interface IGenericDocument

All Known Subinterfaces:
IDexDisassemblyDocument, INativeDisassemblyDocument, ITableDocument, ITextDocument, ITreeDocument
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTableDocument, AbstractTextDocument, AbstractTextPartAsDocumentProxy, AbstractTreeDocument, AsciiDocument, CDocument, CodeDocument, HexDumpDocument, JavaDocument, StaticTableDocument, StaticTextDocument, StaticTreeDocument

@Ser public interface IGenericDocument
Base interface for document types that may be returned by a IUnitFormatter.

Currently, a unit formatter may return text, table, and tree (including table tree) documents.

Note: Additional documents to be released: Graph and SVG.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Dispose of resources and handles used by this document.
    Provide the optional property manager to customize rendering of the document.
    default IUnit
    If available, retrieve the unit that backs up this document.
  • Method Details

    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Dispose of resources and handles used by this document. The object creator should call this method upon destruction.
    • getPropertyManager

      IPropertyManager getPropertyManager()
      Provide the optional property manager to customize rendering of the document. Available properties can be retrieved by retrieving the PDM provided by the property manager.
      a PM, null if none
    • getUnit

      default IUnit getUnit()
      If available, retrieve the unit that backs up this document.
      an optional unit reference (may be null)