Interface ICoreContext

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ICoreContext extends IEventSource
A core context. A core is the highest-level object of the JEB back-end architecture. The main responsibility of a core is to manager engine contexts.

There must be at most one core context running within a JVM. Use JebCoreService to retrieve or create the core context.

The first thing a client does is instantiate or retrieve a context to the core.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getOptions

      CoreOptions getOptions()
      Retrieve the core options.
    • getVersion

      Version getVersion()
      Get the version of this core.
      the version, never null
    • close

      void close()
      Terminate this core context.
    • createEnginesContext

      IEnginesContext createEnginesContext(IDataProvider dataProvider, JebClientInformation clientInformation) throws JebException
      Create an engines context.

      When an engines context is created, all unit identifiers are enabled. Currently, the implementation of engines context uses a static pool for identifiers; that means that creating an engine context will impact previously created ones: identifiers that may have been disabled will be re-enable. In production code, this limitation is theoretical since only a single engines context instance should instance at any given point.

      dataProvider - mandatory data provider
      clientInformation - client information
      the engines context
      JebException - on error
    • listEnginesContexts

      List<? extends IEnginesContext> listEnginesContexts()
      Retrieve the list of engines contexts managed by the core.
      the engines context
    • getDefaultEnginesContexts

      IEnginesContext getDefaultEnginesContexts()
      Retrieve the first, aka default, JEB engines context.

      If JEB has not initialized properly, this method will return null, as there may not be any engines context. JEB core back-end normally manages a single engines context, even though there may be (in exceptional circumstances) more than a single.

    • closeEnginesContext

      void closeEnginesContext(IEnginesContext context)
      Close an engines context
      context - the engines context