Class FormEntry<T>

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class FormEntry<T> extends Object
Abstract class for form entry types used to create form dialogs.
  • Field Details

    • INLINE

      public static final int INLINE
      Flag indicating that the entry description header and the value field should be inlined, instead of stacked (the default).
      See Also:
    • defaultValue

      public T defaultValue
      Default value for the entry. May be null.
    • flags

      public int flags
      Flags. May be 0.
    • validator

      public Predicate<T> validator
      Optional validator for the user-provided entry. The form widget will use the validator to determine whether an input is correct, and may take action accordingly (e.g. display a warning, block proceeding, etc.).
  • Constructor Details

    • FormEntry

      public FormEntry()
    • FormEntry

      public FormEntry(String header, T defaultValue, int flags, Predicate<T> validator)