Interface ICommandInterpreter

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCommandInterpreter, JebPythonInterpreter

public interface ICommandInterpreter
Definition of a command interpreter.

Plugins can provide command interpreters to offer advanced functionality to clients. In the JEB UI client, interpreters are made available in the Terminal panel.

  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the (short) name of this interpreter.
      non-null string
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Get the long name or description.
      optional string
    • getBanner

      String getBanner()
      Retrieve the interpreter's banner/logo string.
      optional string that client code (shells) may display when the interpreter was just instantiated
    • prepare

      void prepare()
      Interpreters may place resource intensive preparation operations here. Clients may optionally call this method before invoking either: executeCommand(String) or autoComplete(String). Clients may decide to not call thsi method. An interpreter implementation must handle cases where prepare() is never called, sometimes called, called multiple times, etc.
    • executeCommand

      ExecutionResult executeCommand(String command)
      Execute a command.
      command -
    • shouldDisplayRawResults

      boolean shouldDisplayRawResults()
      Determine whether this interpreter prefers that the results of executed commands be printed as-is. Clients decide whether or not they want to follow this guideline.
    • autoComplete

      AutocompletionResult autoComplete(String command)
      Provide a best-effort completion suggestion for the provided partial command.
      command -
      optional auto-completion result object