Interface IInstructionOperandList

All Superinterfaces:
IInstructionOperand, IInstructionOperandGeneric, IInstructionOperandRegisterBased, IInstructionOperandSized
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IInstructionOperandList extends IInstructionOperandGeneric
Operand that contains several operands. For example: [R0, R1]
  • Method Details

    • getOperands

      IInstructionOperand[] getOperands()
      Get the list of operands represented by this operand.
    • getSeparator

      String getSeparator()
      Retrieve the separator of the elements of the list
    • merge

      IInstructionOperandGeneric merge(long address)
      Attempt to merge parameter list to 1 parameter. When not possible, this method will return null. Otherwise, the returned value can be considered as equivalent to the list. For example 0x45, 0 defined for a right shift is equivalent to 0x22, PC+4 is equivalent to its absolute address.
      address -