All Superinterfaces:
IEGeneric, IEJumpWithOptionalCondition, IEStatement, IInstruction, IInstructionOperand, IResizableInstruction

@Ser public interface IEJumpFar extends IEJumpWithOptionalCondition
A conditional branching instruction to an arbitrary IR representing a native address. This IR should not be used to represent calls to sub-routines.
  • Method Details

    • getJumpsite

      IEGeneric getJumpsite()
    • setJumpsite

      void setJumpsite(IEGeneric jumpSite)
    • getPossibleTargets

      List<ICodePointer> getPossibleTargets()
      Retrieve the candidate native targets.
      native targets
    • setPossibleTargets

      void setPossibleTargets(List<ICodePointer> possibleTargets)
      Set the collection of candidate native targets.
      possibleTargets -