Interface INativeDecompilerExtension

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public interface INativeDecompilerExtension extends IPlugin
Decompiler extension plugins. Refer to AbstractNativeDecompilerExtension for additional details concerning the lifecycle of those objects.

Important notes:
- Be careful with state data stored in decompiler extensions; those plugins are shared among all decompilers (except for a decompiler primary extension)
- Methods must not return null

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • convertInstruction

      Convert a native instruction to IR code. It is the responsibility of native code converters to decide whether they want to call this method, before attempting to convert the instruction themselves. Extensions implementing this method have a chance to provide alternate conversion of low-level instructions or even provide conversion support for instructions not supported by a converter.
      converter -
      e - the entry to be converted, holding references to the IInstruction and current state of the IR basic block
      success indicator - upon success, an extension must return TRUE/STOP, else another conversion will be attempted, leading to undefined behavior
    • convertToInlinedCall

      ChainedOperationResult<Boolean> convertToInlinedCall(IEConverter<?> converter, IERoutineContext ctx, ConverterInstructionEntry<?> e, long target)
      converter -
      e -
      target -
    • executePrePipelineStage

      Extensions may customize the decompilation pipeline by implementing this method. It is called by the pipeline at the beginning of each stage of method decompilation.
      stage -
      target - the method being decompiled
    • executePostPipelineStage

      Extensions may customize the decompilation pipeline by implementing this method. It is called by the pipeline at the end of each stage of method decompilation.
      stage -
      target - the method being decompiled
    • resolveVariableArgumentInformation

      ChainedOperationResult<VariableArgumentInformation> resolveVariableArgumentInformation(IERoutineContext ctx, CFG<IEStatement> cfg, int iblk, IWildcardPrototype proto)
    • applyAdditionalTypes

      ChainedOperationResult<Boolean> applyAdditionalTypes(IDecompiledMethod target, CFG<IEStatement> cfg)
      This method is called by the decompiler just before type propagation on the IR-CFG takes place. Extensions can use it to set additional types on IR expressions.
      target -
      cfg -
    • customizeIntermediateOptimizer

      ChainedOperationResult<Boolean> customizeIntermediateOptimizer(INativeDecompilerContext decompiler, IEMasterOptimizer mo)
      This method is called by a decompiler unit to customize a master IR optimizer. Extensions may use it to change settings of the master optimizer, provide additional IR optimizers, etc.
      decompiler -
      mo - IR master optimizer
    • augmentSimulationContext

      ChainedOperationResult<Boolean> augmentSimulationContext(INativeDecompilerContext decompiler, IERoutineContext ctx, IESimulationResults simulationContext, long offset, IEStatement insn, EState state)
      This method is called during the early simulation phase (unoptimized IR emulation) in the decompilation pipeline. Extensions can provide additional details to enhance further decompilation stages.

      For an example of this method, refer to the MIPS decompiler primary extension code.

      decompiler -
      ctx -
      simulationContext - simulation context, the extension may record information in this context
      offset - IR offset
      insn - IR instruction
      state - input pre-execution state at the provided instruction
    • isMemoryResolutionAllowed

      ChainedOperationResult<Boolean> isMemoryResolutionAllowed(INativeDecompilerContext decompiler, IERoutineContext ctx, IEMem mem)
      This method is called when the decompiler is attempting to dereference memory in order to replace a memory access by an actual immediate value. Extension can prevent a resolution that could normally take place.
      decompiler -
      ctx -
      mem -
    • collectCandidateMemoryDerefs

      ChainedOperationResult<Boolean> collectCandidateMemoryDerefs(IEGeneric exp, EDefUseInfo defuse, boolean isDef)
      This method is called potentially-used/defined variables (candidates) are being collected for IEMem IR expressions. It may be used to replace EMem's built-in implementation, which uses gendec internal heuristics, or add to the results generated by the built-in implementation.
      exp - an IR expression (in its current form, always an EMem)
      defuse - sink for collection; also provides the current IR context
      isDef - true if potentially-defined variables are to be collected, false if potentially-used variables are to be collected
    • isOpaquePointerType

      ChainedOperationResult<Boolean> isOpaquePointerType(IWildcardType t)
      This method is called during IECall's def-use determination on parameters that are unresolved pointer types. If a type is deemed as "opaque" by this method, the pointer is not considered to access any global or local data. I.e., its effect on def-use calculation is none.
      t - a type
      true if the type is "opaque"