Interface INativePlugin<InsnType extends IInstruction>

Type Parameters:
InsnType -
All Superinterfaces:
IPlugin, IUnitPlugin
All Known Subinterfaces:
INativeDecompilerPlugin<InsnType>, INativeDisassemblerPlugin<InsnType>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractNativeDecompilerPlugin, AbstractNativeDisassemblerPlugin, AbstractNativePlugin

public interface INativePlugin<InsnType extends IInstruction> extends IUnitPlugin
Native plugins consist of native disassembler and native decompiler plugins.

Important note: the initialize method of those plugins is never called.

  • Method Details

    • setupCustomProperties

      void setupCustomProperties(IPropertyDefinitionManager pdm)
      Customize the properties of the native plugin. Properties set up by the generic native identifier master plugin can be modified; other properties, specific to this module, can be added.
      pdm -