Interface IDexCodeItem

public interface IDexCodeItem
This interface represents a Dex code_item object. Those objects hold, among other things, the bytecode of a method.

It holds the body of a method. They are referenced by IDexMethodData objects for internal, non-abstract, non-native methods.

  • Method Details

    • getRegisterCount

      int getRegisterCount()
      Get the number of registers used by the method.
      the number of registers
    • getInputArgumentCount

      int getInputArgumentCount()
      Get the number of incoming arguments for the method.
      the number of incoming arguments
    • getOutputArgumentCount

      int getOutputArgumentCount()
      Get the number of outgoing arguments for the method.
      the number of outgoing arguments
    • getExceptionItems

      List<? extends IDexExceptionItem> getExceptionItems()
      Get the exception items for the method.
      the list of exception items
    • getDebugInfo

      IDexDebugInfo getDebugInfo()
      Get the debug information for the method.

      Note: debug metadata can be forged and should not be trusted.

      the debug info object, or null if there is none
    • getDexFileIndex

      int getDexFileIndex()
      Retrieve the index of the dex file that defines this code item.
      an index into IDexUnit.getDexFiles() (of the owner , or -1 if unknown or not defined
    • getInstructionsOffset

      int getInstructionsOffset()
      Get the Dex file offset where the bytecode for the method starts.
      the bytecode offset in bytes, that is, the absolute entry point of the associated method
    • getInstructionsSize

      int getInstructionsSize()
      Get the size of the method's bytecode, in bytes.
      the bytecode size in bytes
    • hasParsingErrors

      boolean hasParsingErrors()
      Determine whether the method's bytecode was successfully parsed.
      true if parsing errors occurred
    • getParsingErrors

      List<DalvikParserError> getParsingErrors()
      Retrieve the list of parsing errors, if any.
      a list
    • getInstructions

      List<? extends IDalvikInstruction> getInstructions()
      Get the list of parsed bytecode instructions, ordered by ascending offset.

      This method provides the original array of instructions, not a copy. The caller should not try to modify it.

      the list of method instructions
    • getInstruction

      IDalvikInstruction getInstruction(int index)
      Get the instruction at the provided index.
      index -
    • getInstructionAt

      IDalvikInstruction getInstructionAt(int offsetInMethod)
      Get the instruction at the provided byte offset in the method.
      offsetInMethod - method's code offset in byte
      an instruction or null
    • getControlFlowGraph

      CFG<IDalvikInstruction> getControlFlowGraph()
      Returns the CFG for this method. It may be null if the parser did not produce a control flow graph.
    • getGaps

      Map<Integer,byte[]> getGaps()
      Retrieve the gaps in the method's bytecode. The gaps are areas within the bytecode that are not directly used as instruction as pseudo-instruction's data (switch or array data).
      a dictionary of offset (0-based) to the gap bytes