Interface IDexClassData

public interface IDexClassData
This interface represents a DEX class_data_item object. Retrieved via IDexClass.getData().
  • Method Details

    • getStaticFields

      List<? extends IDexFieldData> getStaticFields()
      Get the static fields for this class.
      the list of static fields
    • getInstanceFields

      List<? extends IDexFieldData> getInstanceFields()
      Get the instance fields for this class.
      the list of instance fields
    • getDirectMethods

      List<? extends IDexMethodData> getDirectMethods()
      Get the non-virtual (statics, constructors) methods for this class.
      the list of non-virtual methods
    • getVirtualMethods

      List<? extends IDexMethodData> getVirtualMethods()
      Get the virtual methods for this class.
      the list of virtual methods