Class DexDecompilerExporter


public class DexDecompilerExporter extends DecompilerExporter
Helper class used to decompile and export to *.java files all or a subset of classes or methods of a Dex unit.

Example: export all top-level classes to an output folder:

 IDexDecompilerUnit dexdec = ...; // retrieve from the current IRuntimeProject
 File outdir = ...;
 DexDecompilerExporter exp = dexdec.getExporter();
 exp.setOutputFolder(outdir, false);
 exp.setMethodTimeout(60_000L);  // safety
 exp.setTotalTimeout(15 * 60_000L);  // safety
 exp.setCallback(new ProgressCallbackAdapter() {
     public void message(String msg) {
 boolean success = exp.processTopLevelClasses();
 System.out.println("Errors: " + exp.getErrors());
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • process

      public boolean process()
      Description copied from class: DecompilerExporter
      Decompile and export all meaningful elements. This is the recommended method to call. Top-level classes and their constituents will be exported; orphaned methods and other items will be exported as well.

      If an output folder was specified, the resulting source files will be stored in a folder hierarchy that matches their namespace or package name.

      Specified by:
      process in class DecompilerExporter
      true if no error occurred; false if some errors occurred
    • customizeOptions

      protected void customizeOptions(boolean decompilingClasses, DecompilationOptions.Builder optbld)
      Description copied from class: DecompilerExporter
      Optional method used to customize the options of the decompilation context. The custom implementation may modify or set new options. The default implementation does nothing.
      customizeOptions in class DecompilerExporter
      decompilingClasses - true if the exporter will decompile classes; false if it will decompile methods
      optbld - the current option builder
    • setSignaturePattern

      public void setSignaturePattern(Pattern pattern)
      The strings that will be provided to the matcher are jvm (canonical) class or method signatures, e.g. Lcom/abc/Foo; or Lcom/foo/Bar;->m1([I)Ljava/lang/String;.
      setSignaturePattern in class DecompilerExporter
      pattern - a regex pattern
    • generateMethodFileName

      protected String generateMethodFileName(String msig)
      generateMethodFileName in class DecompilerExporter
    • generateClassFileName

      protected String generateClassFileName(String csig)
      generateClassFileName in class DecompilerExporter