Class ApkManifestHelper

public class ApkManifestHelper extends ApkXmlResourceHelper
This helper class facilitates access to the data contained in an Android APK Manifest. In particular, the readAttributeXxx methods allow easy retrieval of attribute values by tag names, throughout the entire document.
  • Constructor Details

    • ApkManifestHelper

      public ApkManifestHelper(IApkUnit apk)
      This convenience constructor can be used to create a helper from an APK unit. A Manifest XML unit must exist under the APK unit.
      apk -
    • ApkManifestHelper

      public ApkManifestHelper(IXmlUnit xml)
      Create a manifest helper around the provided manifest unit.
      xml -
    • ApkManifestHelper

      public ApkManifestHelper(Document doc)
      Create a manifest helper around the provided low-level XML document object.
      doc -
  • Method Details