Class CFGUtil


public class CFGUtil extends Object
Utility code for IControlFlowGraph.
  • Constructor Details

    • CFGUtil

      public CFGUtil()
  • Method Details

    • verify

      public static void verify(IControlFlowGraph<?,?> cfg)
      Verification of a CFG. Throws RuntimeException (or derived) on error.

      Calls verify(IControlFlowGraph, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) with all optional checks enabled.

      cfg - the CFG to be verified
      RuntimeException - if the verification failed
    • verify

      public static void verify(IControlFlowGraph<?,?> cfg, boolean checkConnected, boolean checkGapless, boolean checkFlowinfo, boolean checkNoDupEdges, boolean checkNoDupIrregularEdges)
      Verification of a CFG. Throws RuntimeException (or derived) on error.

      This method checks the following:
      - the graph is not empty
      - no block is empty
      - all blocks are reachable, either regularly or irregularly, from the entry node #0

      Additional optional checks can be performed, see the parameters.

      cfg - the CFG to be verified
      checkConnected - if true, the graph is verified to be connected, i.e. all blocks must be reachable from the entry block
      checkGapless - if true, the graph cannot have gaps between basic blocks
      checkFlowinfo - if true, consistency checks between IInstruction.getBreakingFlow(long) and IBasicBlock.getOutputBlocks() are performed
      checkNoDupEdges - if true, verify that CFG input/output regular edges of basic blocks do not contain duplicates
      checkNoDupIrregularEdges - if true, verify that CFG input/output irregular edges of basic blocks do not contain duplicates
      RuntimeException - if the verification failed
    • toTempDot

      public static void toTempDot(IControlFlowGraph<?,?> cfg, String name)
      cfg -
      name -
    • toTempDot

      public static void toTempDot(IControlFlowGraph<?,?> cfg, String name, String title, Map<Long,String> blockHeaders, int lineLimit)
      cfg -
      name -
      title -
      blockHeaders -
    • toDot

      public static void toDot(IControlFlowGraph<?,?> cfg, File file) throws IOException
      Build the CFG text representation using the dot language. To generate a PNG: dot -Tpng -o out.png
      cfg -
      file - output file
    • toDot

      public static void toDot(IControlFlowGraph<?,?> cfg, File file, String title) throws IOException
      Build the CFG text representation using the dot language. To generate a PNG: dot -Tpng -o out.png
      cfg -
      file - output file
      title - optional graph title
    • toDot

      public static void toDot(IControlFlowGraph<?,?> cfg, File file, String title, Map<Long,String> blockHeaders) throws IOException
      Build the CFG text representation using the dot language. To generate a PNG: dot -Tpng -o out.png
      cfg -
      file - output file
      title - optional graph title
      blockHeaders - optional map of block headers (block_address -> block_description_string); if null, a standard header "(block_index)" is used
    • toDot

      public static void toDot(IControlFlowGraph<?,?> cfg, File file, String title, Map<Long,String> blockHeaders, int lineLimit) throws IOException
      Build the CFG text representation using the dot language. To generate a PNG: dot -Tpng -o out.png
      cfg -
      file -
      title -
      blockHeaders -
      lineLimit -
    • countDeepInputs

      public static int countDeepInputs(IBasicBlock<? extends IInstruction> b, int maxdepth)
      Count regular the number of top-level input blocks leading to the provided block.
      b - the basic block to be examined
      maxdepth - if less or equal than 1, this method is equivalent to IBasicBlock.insize()
      the number of inputs
    • canReach

      public static boolean canReach(IBasicBlock<? extends IInstruction> from, IBasicBlock<? extends IInstruction> to)
      Determine whether a regular path exists between a source block and a destination block. If both source and destination blocks are the same block B, the method returns true if B is part of a regular loop (i.e., a path exists from B to B). Exceptional flow (irregular edges) are disregarded.
      from - source block
      to - destination block
      true if a path exists between the source and the destination
    • canReach

      public static boolean canReach(IBasicBlock<? extends IInstruction> from, IBasicBlock<? extends IInstruction> to, boolean alsoFollowIrregularFlow)
      Determine whether a path exists between a source block and a destination block. If both source and destination blocks are the same block B, the method returns true if B is part of a loop (i.e., a path exists from B to B).
      from - source block
      to - destination block
      alsoFollowIrregularFlow - if true, irregular control flow will also be followed
      true if a path exists between the source and the destination
    • canReach

      public static boolean canReach(IBasicBlock<? extends IInstruction> from, IBasicBlock<? extends IInstruction> to, boolean alsoFollowIrregularFlow, Collection<IBasicBlock<? extends IInstruction>> stopperBlocks)
      Determine whether a path exists between a source block and a destination block. If both source and destination blocks are the same block B, the method returns true if B is part of a loop (i.e., a path exists from B to B).
      from - source block
      to - destination block
      alsoFollowIrregularFlow - if true, irregular control flow will also be followed
      stopperBlocks -
      true if a path exists between the source and the destination