Interface IPriorityBasedHooks

All Known Subinterfaces:
IDEmulatorHooks, IDSandboxHooks, IEEmulatorHooks, IEStateHooks

public interface IPriorityBasedHooks
An super interface to be used for hooks interfaces for which the associated manager respects a priority ordering.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default int
    Provide the priority level for this hook.
  • Method Details

    • getPriority

      default int getPriority()
      Provide the priority level for this hook. Hooks with higher priority should be called first by the hooks manager. Monitoring hooks (i.e. read-only hooks that always want to examine the context) should have a high-priority level to ensure they are not bypassed by another successful hook.
      the priority level in [-100, 100]; the default level is 0