Interface ILiveArtifact

public interface ILiveArtifact
A "runtime" artifact, that connects a project, an artifact, and root units. A live artifact is a representation of an artifact loaded in a project, and whose . loading process has possibly yielded units.

As such, a live artifact ties three essentials components together:

  • a project
  • an artifact
  • root unit(s)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the input artifact.
    Convenience method to retrieve the primary (first) unit resulting from the analysis of this artifact.
    Get the runtime project.
    Get the units that resulted from the analysis of the artifact within a given project.
    load(String wantedType, boolean softDelegation, boolean doNotProcessUnit)
    Process and load the artifact into the project.
  • Method Details

    • load

      boolean load(String wantedType, boolean softDelegation, boolean doNotProcessUnit)
      Process and load the artifact into the project. This method should not be called directly; it is called by the project manager.
      wantedType - optional (default: null)
      softDelegation - (default: false)
      doNotProcessUnit - optional (default: false)
    • getRuntimeProject

      IRuntimeProject getRuntimeProject()
      Get the runtime project.
      the runtime project, never null
    • getArtifact

      IArtifact getArtifact()
      Get the input artifact.
      the input artifact, never null
    • getUnits

      List<IUnit> getUnits()
      Get the units that resulted from the analysis of the artifact within a given project. Only the top-level units (i.e., those whose direct parent is this artifact) are returned; sub-level units (i.e., those whose parents are other units) can be retrieved by calling getChildren() on the units, recursively.
      the units, possibly empty list, but never null
    • getMainUnit

      IUnit getMainUnit()
      Convenience method to retrieve the primary (first) unit resulting from the analysis of this artifact. If no unit exists, null is returned.
      the primary unit or null