Language Translation Contribution in Python; VirusTotal Hash Check Plugin in Java.

This post is geared toward power-users who would like to take advantage of API additions that shipped with the latest JEB update.1

TL;DR: see below for a language translation contribution in Python, and a VirusTotal hash check plugin in Java.


With JEB 2.3.6, users can now write their own unit contribution plugins in Python (or Java, of course).

First, let’s recap: JEB extensions consist of back-end plugins, and front-end scripts. Front-end scripts are written in Python and execute in the context  of a client (generally, the UI client, but it could also be a script executed by a headless, command-line JEB client). Back-end plugins form a more diverse realm: they consist of parser plugins (eg, disassemblers, decompilers, decoders, etc.), generic engines plugins, and contribution plugins.  They are mostly written in Java – although that is slowly changing as we are adding program-wide support for JEB extensions in Python.

Contribution plugins can enhance the output produced by parser plugins. A concrete example: an interactive disassembly or other text output (eg, a decompiled piece of Java or C code) is made of text items; a contribution can provide additional information to a client about a given item, when the client requests it. When it comes to the main JEB UI client, that information can be requested when a user hovers its mouse over an interactive text item.

Several contributions are already built-in, such as those providing live variable and register values when debugging a program; or the Javadoc contribution that displays API documentation on Java disassembly. Users may also write their own contributions.

  • Contributions extend IUnitContribution;
  • They can target any type of unit;
  • They can be written in Java or in Python;
  • They are plugins,  and as such, should be dropped into the JEB’s coreplugins/ folder (Python contributions will need a Jython package in that folder as well);
  • A Python contribution must be named exactly like the contribution class name (in the above below,

The skeleton of a Python contribution that would enhance all code units would look like:

class SampleContributionPlugin(IUnitContribution):

  def __init__(self):
  def getPluginInformation(self):
    return PluginInformation(...)

  def isTarget(self, unit):
    return isinstance(unit, ICodeUnit)

  def setPrimaryTarget(self, unit): = unit

  def getPrimaryTarget(self):

  def getItemInformation(self, targetUnit, itemId, itemText):
    # provide info about an item or a bit of text

  def getLocationInformation(self, targetUnit, location):
    return None

We uploaded a sample contribution plugin that works for text documents produced by any type of parser plugin (eg, disassembly, decompiled code, etc.). The contribution uses Google to provide real-time translations of the text snippet your mouse pointer is currently on:

The translation contribution translates foreign language text items to English when the user hovers their mouse over them; here, an Arabic string found in a malware sample of Mirai is being translated.

Note that you do not need a Google API key for it to work: the plugin scrapes Google search out; as such it is quite brittle and will almost certainly break in the future, but keep in mind this is a demo/sample to get you started for your own contributions.

VirusTotal Report Plugin

On a side-note, JEB 2.3.6 also ships with a VirusTotal hash checker plugin (disabled by default). This plugin automatically checks the hash of top-level units against the VirusTotal database.

We open-sourced it on GitHub (

To set it up, run File, Plugins, Execute an Engines Plugin, VT Report Plugin:

To set up the VT plugin, you will need a VT API key.

Then, enter your VirusTotal API key; you’re good to go. Newly processed files will be automatically checked against VT and a log message as well as a notification will be stored to let you know the outcome.

The notification produced by the JEB VT plugin: here, the file looks bad (28 anti-virus products marked it as such)

That’s it for today — until next time!

Introducing the JEB Malware Sharing Network

Update: Oct. 12: Python script to query the API

We are very excited to announce that JEB 2.3.6 integrates with a new project we called the Malware Sharing Network. It allows reverse engineers to share samples anonymously, in a give-and-take fashion. The more and the better you give, the more and the better you will receive.

  • Files are shared with PNF Software (they are not shared directly with other users);
  • Contributions and users are algorithmically ranked and scored;
  • In exchange for their contributions, users receive more files, based on their score.

The goal is to offer a platform for reversers that can (and wish to) share malware files to easily do it, with the added incentive of receiving samples in return — including relatively high-value files that may not be accessible to most users, such as files that are not publicly downloadable on most malware trackers; or files that are not present on malware databases at all, including VirusTotal.

Obviously, the service is entirely optional. Any user, including users of the demo version, may use it whenever they please.

Getting started

The latest JEB update will let you know about the Malware Sharing Network right after you upgrade. You may also click the Share button in the toolbar at any time to get started.

Sharing a sample is easy!

First time users should create an account. You will only need an email address and a password. Click the “Create an Account” button to sign up.

Log in to the Malware Sharing Network

Once you’ve successfully logged in, you will be able to view your profile. Things like your sharing score and other stats are displayed.

User profile and stats

Sharing a File

Any time you are working in JEB, you can decide to share the primary file being worked on by clicking the Share button or the Share entry in the File menu:

Before sharing a file, you may:

  • redact the sample name;
  • add a text comment;
  • select a Determination, among four choices (“Unknown”, “Clean”, “Unsure” and “Malicious”).

By hitting the Share button, you will submit the file to PNF Software. It will be added to our file portal, get scored, and eventually, be shared with other users who are participating in this sample exchange program.

When your score gets high enough, you will receive samples. They will be accessible from our website, and also, using the Malware Sharing Network back-end API.

API for Scripting

After successfully logging in, you may have noticed that the API key field was populated. Power-users will be able to use it to perform automation and scripting with our back-end, such as querying samples by hashes, uploading and downloading files, etc. It’s all standard HTTP-POST queries with JSON responses.

A Python wrapper to  issue simple API queries can be found on our public GitHub repository.  First make sure to set up your API key (either in source, or create an environment variable JEBIO_APIKEY, or pass it as a parameter if you are importing the script as a library).

Queries return JSON output,  except for download requests, that return binary attachments. The return “code” variable is set to 0 on success, !=0 on error.

Here are a few examples:

Query a file hash:
$ check 42aaa93a894a69bfcbc21823b09e4ea9f723c428
42aaa93a894a69bfcbc21823b09e4ea9f723c428: {
 "code": 0,
 "created": "2017-10-09 16:24:31",
 "filesize": 75599,
 "filestatus": 0,
 "md5hash": "879322cfd1c1b3b1813a27c3e311f1a5",
 "sha1hash": "42aaa93a894a69bfcbc21823b09e4ea9f723c428",
 "sha256hash": "57ae463e6bc53a38512c58a878370338dcfe0fb59eeedfd9b3e7959fe7c149d1",
 "userdetails": {
 "comments": "",
 "created": "2017-10-09 16:24:31",
 "determination": 0,
 "filename": "Raasta.apk"

Note: the userdetails section is present only if you uploladed the file yourself.

Upload a file:
$ upload 1.apk
1.apk: {
 "code": 0,
 "uploadeventid": 155
Download a file: (subject to permission)
$ download a2ba1bacc996b90b37a2c93089692bf5f30f1d68
a2ba1bacc996b90b37a2c93089692bf5f30f1d68: downloaded to (password: "infected")

DEX and APK Updates in JEB 2.3.5

This post highlights changes and additions related to Android app processing that shipped with JEB 2.3.5 (and the upcoming 2.3.6 release). Per usual, consult the full changelog for a complete list of changes.

Contributions for Units

We added plugin support for unit contributions. These back-end extensions can be written in Python! Practically, contributions for text documents (eg, disassembly) take the form of pop-ups when the user hovers the mouse over a text item. Several JEB modules already ship with contributions, eg the Live Registers view of the jdb/gdb/lldb debbuggers plugins.

With JEB 2.3.6, users may write their own contribution in Java or Python. They extend the IUnitContribution interface and are fairly straightforward to implement. (We will upload an example of a cross-unit contribution written in Python on GitHub shortly.)

JEB 2.3.5 ships with a Javadoc contribution, whose immediate use can be seen in the Dalvik disassembly view of an APK: hover over an interactive code item to display its documentation. (The plugin works whether your system is connected to the Internet or not.)

The javadoc contribution kicks-in when hovering on a type name or method name, here, newWakeLock().

DEX Header Summary

The DEX disassembly view now starts with a comment header summarizing the principal features of the bytecode, and optionally, its containing application (APK) unit.

Basic information is identified, such as package names, application details (if there is one1), activities and other end-point classes, as well as dangerous permission groups.

Various APK and DEX features of a known Android malware; notice that some phone and text permissions are requested by the app.
This legitimate APK is not an application, and the disassembly header emphasizes this fact.

Full Field and Method Refactoring

Up until JEB 2.3.4, renaming fields and methods only renamed the directly accessed field/method reference. We now support renaming “related” references as well, to cover cases like method overrides or “out-of-class” field access.

Here is a simple example with fields:

class A {
    int x;
    void f() {x = 1;}    //(1)

class B extends A {
    void g() {x = 2;}    //(2)

Technically, accessing x in (1) is not the same as in (2): f() uses a reference to A; g() uses a reference to B. However, the same concrete field is being accessed — because B is not defining (masking in this case) its own field named x. Even if B were to define its own field x (of type int or else), we could still access A.x by casting thisto B.  Similar issues arise with methods, with the added complexity of interface definitions and overrides.

JEB now handles renaming those references properly. Also remember that viewing the list of cross-references (key: X) does not display related references. You can see those by executing the Overrides action (key: O).

Various accesses to field A.i0 (here accessing it via type B) can be seen by using the O key. The O key also works for method references.

Miscellaneous API Updates

The API was augmented in various places. This blog being focused on Android changes, have a look at the definition updates in those interfaces:

  • IDexUnit and IDexFile: those interfaces have been present since day 1 or almost; we added a few convenience routines such as getDisassembly(). Remember that IDexUnit represents an entire DEX unit, possibly the result of an underlying merger of several DEX files, if the app in question is a multi-DEX one. If you need to access physical details of a given classesX.dex, use the corresponding IDexFile object, which can be retrieved via the master IDexUnit.
  • IApkUnit: also a well-known interface; several convenience methods were added to access common Android Manifest properties, such as activities, services, providers, receivers, etc. Obviously, you may access the Manifest directly (it is an IXmlUnit) and perform your own XML navigation.
  • IXApkUnit: this new interface represents Extended APK (XAPK) files and is self-explanatory.
  • ICertificateUnit: the certificate unit is also self-explanatory. It offers a direct reference to a parsed X509 certificate object.


  1. Unlike what the official doc says, a Manifest tag may not contain an Application element. ↩